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The Thief Lord
The Thief Lord is a blend of Dickensian adventure and Harry Potter magic, an exciting adaptation of a popular novel by Cornelia Funke. A pair of orphaned and separated brothers, Prosper (Aaron Johnson) and Bo (Jasper Harris), escape their dreary homes in England and flee to Venice, Italy. On their first, frightening night there, they find sanctuary with the Thief Lord (Rollo Weeks), a masked, 16-year-old boy who gives them, along with a gaggle of other orphans, shelter in a shuttered movie theater. Living on the spoils of the Thief Lord's nightly raids of the rich, the kids become a happy, self-sufficient family that only has to stay out of the clutches of police and a nosy private detective (Jim Carter). But things change when a strange, elderly pair ask the kids to steal a strange object--a hunk of wood carved into the shape of a wing--for a lot of cash. What follows is completely unexpected, wildly imaginative, mysterious, and a lot of fun. The story has a way of sticking with one long after the film is over. With a cameo by Vanessa Redgrave, and loads of gorgeous exteriors of sunny Venice. Directed by Richard Claus, producer of The Little Vampire. --Tom Keogh
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